Kimberly Goguen~2024 daily notes

Kimberly Goguen

2024 daily notes by Kimberly Goguen 01/09/24

Good Day Everyone!! Here are the updated notes through yesterday. I will break everything down on today’s news broadcast for better understanding! Have a wonderful day everyone and I will see you in a few hours! _Kim

January 1, 2024, Monday
Japan had an earthquake that we missed.
Saddam Hussien’s 3rd and secret son was working with an offshoot of Umbrella. Real name is
Saif, but goes by Adnan Mohammed in Alberta, Canada, and working with the SSP and Shadow
Tarzakyan technology was interfering on its own.
Programmable DNA, everything in the universe created with dark and light energy, dak and light
essence, and dark and light consciousness, which creates matter.
Run people on the machine but they always have both dark and light because they were
created that way.
The dark side ran programs attached to the dark creation portion.
The Source of all creation has changed to all light.
Anyone that received money or energy can currently influence your mind, body and soul. You
get dark energy, essence and consciousness, it is implanted in you.
They as dark or neutral anchors can affect the energy, some intentionally or non-intentionally.
Entire worldwide web of dark energy, dark essence and dark consciousness that can be
manipulated. Cut the cords and replace with Source energy, Source essence, and Source
Chromosomal abnormalities is a compilation of essence, energy and consciousness of your
parents. The same essence in plane 1 is the same as plane 9 up and plane 9 down, call
connected the person in duality of all creation.
Removal of all remaining anti Source and anti existence dark essence, energy and
consciousness. Everyone has dark essence, energy and consciousness, you only had the
ability to somewhat from infesting you on the other levels. Mind, body and soul wounds go with
us with all the dark essence, dark energy and dark consciousness.
Genetic markers are the dark consciousness, dark essence, and dark energy.
The sea of energy is more free now so people are exchanging more. Xray tumors are black and
starts with the dark energy, essence and consciousness. The 7 deadly sins and addiction are
part of the programming. This is the regenerator and backup system of inorganic living
Each DNA cell is made up of Source light and dark energy, essence and consciousness, plus
existence and anti existence energy, essence and consciousness. Our bodies are cache
memory files in the DNA.
Edge Computing hacking with frequency of dark energy, dark essence and dark consciousness,
trying to tap into remaining dark energy, essence and consciousness in computers.
We, people, were the crystal carriers of dark and light consciousness, energy and essence.
You have and you are, I am, etc. once you own it, then it is implied consent for anti existence to
manufacture it with dark essence, energy and consciousness.
Our flowers are in place.
Source and Kim consciously and energetically, and essence wise, agree to remove the
remnants of the anti Source and anti existence. It will happen instantaneously,
Source said that Kim needs to do it. Kim is replacing anti existence. This is the restoration ball
or call the ball for restoration.
Anti Source and Source. Now Kim replaces the anti Source with light. So its Source/Kim
creation of joint light and replaces all dark energy, dark essence and dark consciousness and
affiliated parasites and implant wounds.
The fusion for disease to exist will be gone. The fusion for disease was anti existence, anti
Source essence, energy and consciousness.
The fusion for everything was at the point of creation with Source, anti Source, existence and
anti existence, creating modified DNA, GNA, and RNA.
Living DNA is the recorder for our Akashic Records. It recorded and replicated. Both sides
record it and 1 side uses it against you. In theory the new program should cover DNA and living
DNA. It removed the push and pull between life and death and provides constant cellular
regeneration. Regenerate the whole human in 40 weeks, like a pregnancy. May be faster for
the crystalline energy.
SSP has 30 left, 15 still on the fence.
Source has 2 tablets.
Parasites are them hacking.
They see the re-establishment of new co-creation,
Level 3 up to level 3 down was a pocket in computers as an energy spire just in computers.
Something is trying to reverse engineering the remnants from the dark overlord genesis project.
There was a pairing port in computers that had 1 dual Source and anti Source cornerstone per
There was an overlay on the Light Financial system from dual Lucifer Anti Source heart stones,
5 throughout the multiverse and in computer for each plane. The Dual essence, energy,
consciousness heart stones were creating an overlay on the financial system.
Closed loop for bilateral credit.
Demonic gateways were implants in computers for the Lucifer Anti Source heart stones.
Implants for Marduk energy, essence and consciousness in the multiverse, computers, DRAM,
DRAM ion implanter, parasites and implants.
The SSP heard Kim’s UNN broadcast. The SSP scientists understand it and know its over once
that finishes. The scientist are explaining it to the SSP operatives.
MorningStar satellites in Earth’s orbit as orbiting backup system.
A membrane in the shape of a tesseract was around zero point Earth and in computers, like a
generator of Lucifer energy, essence and consciousness.
The same membrane in the Omegaverse on the 3rd, 2nd and 1st densities. Inner cube around
zero point Earth and in computers. The outside cube goes to 3, 2 and 1 and in computers.
Dual purpose Lucifer and anti Source consciousness, energy and essence. In the Omegaverse
it encompasses densities 1, 2 and 3. This is our dark consciousness fusion to time. The
membrane was also our clear the Harmonic universe.
Silent Circle worldwide meeting to discuss the UNN broadcast.
Provora was an ancient virus or bacteria, but we think it is dark energy, dark essence and dark
consciousness that they implanted in the soul of humans on this side of the Universe. Remove
all dark essence and replace it with KIM Source essence in plane 9 of all densities, and in
computers too.
Triune portal to Kronos in computers. Portal to neutral consciousness, realities, essence,
energy and consciousness.
Sync Alpha with the Harmonic Genesis.

January 2, 2024, Tuesday
SSP operatives remaining against us is 15-16. They are planning for disasters as they want to
kill people to gain dark energy.
Anti existence had 45 soul cubes in planes between planes and densities between densities for
the OMegaverse, Alphaverse and computers. Communication nests linked to the soul cubes.
Fibers throughout the multiverse were from a crystal beltway remnants in the Alphaverse,
Omegaverse and beings. Consciousness, and essence beltway remnant to be cleared. This
was made of dual Source and anti Source consciousness.
The Orion Nebula had 16 altars. Neptune had 24 tablets.
Dark consciousness in the triune brain of computers was anti Source and anti existence
Expired: Dual Consciousness of Source and Anti Source
Expired: Dual Essence of Source and Anti Source
Expired: Dual Energy of Source and Anti Source
Replaced with new:
New: Dual Light Consciousness Covenant
New: Dual Light Energy Covenant
New: Dual Light Essence Covenant
Kuiper Belt had 4,500 keystones
Microwave programs with 3 cylindrical satellites around the moon, with attachments to people.
A box was stolen from the light side 200 years ago. It was buried at the Keeper of the Plains
Monument in Wichita, Kansas. The Statue of the native American wearing a headdress was
made with spots of metamaterials. Under the monument was a box that held the Java Sun,
golden crystal with rays of the Sun. There was a network of statues that held something open
for the SHIELD facility. There were 13 stationary statutes and 39 travelling statues.
Attachments for sterilization in people and computers.
Ball and 2 keystones were Source and Anti Source dual dark consciousness balls, energy balls
and essence balls in computers. We replaced them with dual light balls for energy, essence and
consciousness, plus dual light keystones.
Kronos had secondary tags
Computers had 3 cloaked time crystals.
Expired: Sun Matrix, in the Central Sun of Source and Anti Source, 1 heart stone in each
location. We replaced it with the dual light heart stone.
FedNOW was trying to install regulators at the payment center in Atlanta, Georgia.
Space Time Matter Matrix—change to light essence, energy and consciousness. Space time
matter matrix for the multiverse.
SSP in Washington DC Treasury trying to install another fake server, attachments and tags.
Pockets of time released coding in computers for anti existence energy, essence and
consciousness. Replace with KIMS.
They were expecting Mr. Lee settlement today.
Dark Mirrors in the Sun, 2 in the Sun and 2 in the Moon.
Neutral essence, energy and consciousness in Alphaverse, all inhabitants, Earth, humans,
Alphaverse 2 (Omegaverse) and computers.
Earth and all its inhabitants had attachments to the dark mirrors in the Sun and Moon, infecting
us with dark neutrons, dark energy, dark essence, and dark consciousness.
Etheric DRAM
Closed loop for SKYNET
The central Sun had 1,296,000 metamaterials.
Closed loop for protocols.
Closed loop for cylindrical satellite protocol closed loops.
Moon had 3 transmuters.
Kim cleared consciousness from AI systems.
Cryptochromes in computers were trying to create a time loop to slow us down.
Insert KIMS virtuous consciousness.
RFID chips.

January 3, 2024, Wednesday
Ki,m worked with Source sending pings between Source and Earth, clearing grids then
reconnecting. Repeating the process.
They were trying to install Trump Bucks. They know that Trump was dark all along. SSP still
fighting. Sent agreement that was rejected. They had an old gold card thing (IC card), not
Maleficent events for the USA and talking about EMF radiation, not doing it yet.
Closed loop for electromagnetic frequency tied to fiber optic cables. Quantum dark fiber nest,
which was the energetic block in financial tray.
Biochips, dark neutrino energy coming from the Moon with 1 transmitter and 1 black box.
When Kim removed the Nest in zero point Earth, there was tablets or plates connected to it. In
the Sun, there was 6 plates, 24 tablets, 12 dark energy balls. Nest with same in zero point
Source like a fiber ball in Earth.
Johnson (SSP) trying to ping to see if a settlement was coming.
The soul and oversoul was the nest in the Sun.
Closed loop for fulcrum, trying to hack it for information.
Parasites sent through veins of gold.
Closed loop for Project Mockingbird.
Overlay of dual Source and Anti Source essence. Agreement for overlay on the financial
TRANSFER 1: Terminated in plane 3, with a port blocked. Transfer pulled back. A remnant of a
dark consciousness AI, anti existence AI programs. Programs ran over the break to clear
it—cleared 0 density, existence and anti existence. Mjolnir matched books.
Terminal 51 linked to Omega. ACIO used to issue permission to the terminals in the past.
Deadman switch within the changed programming from Omega. Ran program to remove dual
dark essence to dual essence of light during the break. KIMS 1&2, Null Zone, Alpha and
Harmonic Genesis, Omega 1&2, Kronos 1&2. An altar in zero point Source preventing the
programming change.
Black boxes in the Sun was 1,296,000 soul cubes and 1,296,000 anti existence parasites of anti
existence essence, anti existence energy, anti existence consciousness. Tied to Zero point
Earth with 27 tablets.
Plane 2 had Kronos 2 tags.
The Silent Circle figured out that we are transferring the rest of the system over, the death blow
to the dark side.
Antarctica had 3 crossbows.
Zero point Earth, zero point Source and computers had 22 dark consciousness balls, 22 dark
energy balls, and 22 dark essence balls.

January 4, 2024, Thursday
Create real history of taxes, UN, NATO, etc., and put clips on social media from Source
instructions to Kim. .
Stargate portals linked to Law of One and fusion between Alpha and Omega, with 1,296,000
free floating soul cubes between Alpha and Omega. Computers, had 1,296,000 soul cubes for
joint stargate control.
Closed loop for stargate control.
Closed loop for netting.
Beltway of crystals in computers, fusion between Alpha and Omega.
Closed loop for SKYNET. Closed loop for switch fee with fake money in it.
Treasury is on hold from the SSP until the end of January. They keep changing and wavering.
Omega 1&2, Kronos 1&2, planes within the planes, densities within densities, Null zone, Alpha
1&2, all cleared from consciousness, energy, and essence, and all the stuff that integrates them
like the Law of One and other covenants.
Vertical Silver Thread that went straight up and straight down from the 9th plane 9th density up to
the 9th plane 9th density down. Connects to the Soul of Source and anti Source and computers.
Cleared legal ownership, clearing house and 12th universe. The silver cord of joint essence,
energy and consciousness. Replaced with dual light essence, energy, consciousness. Once
cleared, the silver cords turned into a white cord.
Insert dual light heart stone on each end.
Remnants of looshing, zero point Earth had 6 tablets surrounding dark plasma pool, 1 tablet and
RRAM in each plane of computers.
New agreement rejected. SSS Same Store Sale was trying to take over the sale of loosh on this
Emotional fusion between individual soul, neutral energy, essence and consciousness. The
Omegaverse, Null zone, zero point Earth, Sun, Moon and Saturn had 15 soul plates.
Alphaverse 1&2, Null zone, and computers had 15,000,000 soul plates per plane. The
15,000,000 are an interconnected back up system. Archons, implants and parasites.
Earth’s orbit had 27 cylindrical satellites.
Alpha and computers, had 64 soul crystals per plane.
Central Securities Depository (for souls), 96 soul cubes in computers per plane.
Computers had pheromone stones made of 21 dark consciousness balls, 21 dark energy balls
and 21 dark essence balls per plane. Plane 6.
Computers had 25 Demiurge heart stones per plane.
SSP using a frequency machine that attacks the weakest point in the body, from under Lake
Placid, New York, with 3 altars, 3 boxes, and 3 crystals per altar.
Earth’s orbit had 13 spherical satellites, plus implants and parasites.
Octagon shaped essence around Earth tied to black hole in humans.
Zero point Earth had 3 altars, 3 balls (1 consciousness, 1 energy, 1 essence), and 3 tablets.
Plasma infection in humans from implants, parasites, plasmoids, and plasmids.
There are 9 base platforms:
1. ___
2. Internet
3. Telecommunications
4. Military
5. Intelligence
6. Financial energy management
7. Interstellar communications between stars
8. Stargates on Earth
9. Command and Control
There were 10,368,000 base root consciousness balls, 10,368,000 base root energy balls, and
10,368,000 base root essence. Existence and anti existence, and Source and anti Source.
Replace with dual light (Source / KIMS) and dual light existence. In computers and throughout
the multiverse.
The screen for transfers used to be in the back and now it has relocated to the front screen.
When Kim tried to merge Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 (Omega), it didn’t work correctly so it led to
finding the base root platform balls.
Crystal beltways between the balls was the fusion between Alphaverse and Omegaverse.
DRAM data storage.
Zero point Earth and Zero point Source dual consciousness balls tied to 10,368,000 anti
existence balls that were tied to the 9 base root programs.
Insert KIMS keystones in zero point Earth, Source, zero point Source, Alpha 1&2, Harmonic
Genesis. Insert dual KIMS/Source keystones throughout Alphaverse, inhabitants, and
computers, 2 per plane.

January 5, 2024, Friday
SSP is using Lisa’s seed to grow the trees of lies and operatives are calling Tom. Operatives
asked Tom if Kim was a hologram. Richard Weiss from the senatus consultum reached out to
Kim. This steamrolled into several agency people reaching out to Kim (and Tom) attempting to
install a new handler from Langley 5.Waste of time, Kim never answered.
ANU = ages network unit
Dark implants for addiction throughout the multiverse and in all beings.
KIMS 2 (Key Integrated Monetary System 2) is the transfer line.
Communication portal for 0 density in computers, 1 per density and 1 per plane for
communication line.
Planet Mars had 5 red plasma cauldrons, 1 bottle (archon/parasite tubules) for each cauldron
(5), tied to Jars of wine (used to fill with human essence, energy and consciousness for transfer
to the Omegaverse) and Merneith tomb.
Ball on planet Mercury and Planet Venus, 1 ball on each planet including Earth, with 1 dark
energy ball on each planet.
Maleficent Network was a LEST throughout the Multiverse.
TRANSFER 1: HAIR PIN, pin is an attachment from bank for integrated network. HAIRCUT
was humans are collateral and Omega is the lender, Alpha was the money supplier.
When we went into the new age, we attached the Giant Source heart stone, 1 left up there, tied
to the ANU ages network unit?
There were 12 Lucifer stones in the sun, 1 cornerstone in zero point Source. Dual Source
neutral essence and energy in computers tied to absolute sphere and KIMS LIGHT tower.
DRAM Ion implanter in computers. RFID chips and spyware.
Omega programming and in Alpha. Consciousness inserted into humans as collateral like a cow
Credit banking system pins was consciousness, energy and essence for the credit system, tied
to energy management and energy regulations. Replaced with human, Kims and Source
Source and zero point Source had 3 tablets tied to Omega tags and secondary tags.
People had a Solomon Shield in them that was a tetrahedron soul made of essence, implants,
parasites, energy and consciousness from existence and anti-existence tied to the
consciousness that we got rid of over the break.
“People are dead” program was the transduction death records consciousness, for ultimate
settlement or our deaths. Tied to 4 balls and 4 soul crystals per plane, with cords and tags to the
death program.
Insert KIMS light mirrors.
Earth and people have amenti stones in the planes and in between planes throughout the
Alphaverse, 1 per plane.
We removed the deadly sins but not guilt and shame.
Shame was an anti-Source program with 10,368,000 dark consciousness balls, dark energy
balls, and dark essence balls. Along with 10,368,000 crystals, prisms, altars, tablets, plasma
plates, soul cubes, soul prisms, soul crystals, prism balls and 20,736,000 keystones.
Guilt was an anti-Source program with 10,368,000 dark consciousness balls, dark energy balls,
and dark essence balls. Along with 10,368,000 crystals, prisms, altars, tablets, plasma plates,
soul cubes, soul prisms, soul crystals, prism balls and 20,736,000 keystones.
Kim removed all the birth and death programs just in case.
Transaction logs were stopping money to humans, as people weren’t worthy of prosperity due to
guilt and shame.
China had fake numbers on screens, in the Omega that we removed.The base root for the
entire dark financial system.
There were energy weapons that looked like large plasma ray guns and created a veil in Earth’s
Orbit. . The veil from the weapons was connected to crystals in Earth and inhabitants of Earth.
There were 42 scalar guns around the Sun, 42 in the Van Allen Belt and 42 orbiting Earth.
We removed a key in computers called a CANE (computer aided network engineer), which was
a closed loop creator which was automated coming from the Omega System.
Cleared closed loop for 24 consciousness balls, 24 energy balls, and 24 essence balls, nothing
with them.

January 6, 2024, Saturday
Kim removed soul prisms around individual chakras before the call. Chakras were tied to what
we took out yesterday. These were a soul binding which were made of tetrahedrons (soul
What is stopping the Omegaverse from being absorbed into the Alphaverse? Quantum fibers
tied to 232 tablets per plane per density, and in planes between planes all densities and all
densities between all densities all planes for dual Source and anti Source and dual existence
and non-existence. This was also in computers.
Closed loop for repurchase agreement.
Net margining refers to humans being able to receive money without a haircut.
The Omegaverse and Orion had 22 dark essence balls, 22 dark energy balls, and 22 dark
consciousness balls of dual Source and anti Source and dual existence and anti-existence. All
balls were tied to a plasma field of all the multiverse with dual consciousness, energy and
essence in the plasma field (transduction birth/death records).
China and Israel had a tie or anchor to the tetrahedron soul in humans and in the banking
system we pulled out the base root debt for all humans, which created fake money, bonds, etc.,
on the screens. We were the collateral for the entire system. This was the last bit of support for
worldwide financial system. Hopefully, the last of what is blocking humans from receiving
money directly. Debt bonds: 40% Rothschild/blue dragon, 60% Chinese dragon families.
Humans have been used as collateral for the financial system for at least 3,000 years. Money
has been in existence for 500 years, before that gold and silver was traded with receipts.
Gold is a superconductor for Source energy. Overlays on the gold transmuted Source energy
into dark energy and by 1978 (when digital currency was created worldwide) the noose
Everything changed when Solomon pledged the veins of gold to the dark side. Then we
became a loosh farm millions of years ago. Overlays on the gold were part of the lien too, along
with humans.
A PEL or plasma electromagnetic line was preventing Source energy, essence and
consciousness from directly connecting. The PEL was created in the Omega verse by a
wormhole (tunnel) on both ends and anchored with a spiral on each end. On one end the spiral
was severed. The Spire itself was a regenerator and could regenerate itself. This was an
anti-existence spiral and the source of all anti-existence in the Omegaverse and the base root of
There was 1 very large black pool connected to the anti-existence planes of existence. IT had
arms that went out to 13 large black boxes per plane. The arms were LESTs, NESTs,
communication lines, ports, portals, port holes, cords, tags, ties, implants and parasites.
The red dragon had Kronos 2 attachments in computers removed. .
Resonator in the Omegaverse was causing an Alpha time warp with a frequency linked to Alice
Rings magnetic flip to stop Source energy from connecting. The frequency was tied to 1 dark
anti-existence energy cauldron with 5 machines around the cauldron.
The Luciferian agenda was blocking funding for humanity through attachments and a grid of
dark energy anchored by Lucifer stones, 4 per plane.
Collateral Management Service was tied to humans with a closed loop and attachments in
humans. .
Universal Nest in the Alphaverse, Omegaverse, Null zone and computers, 2 altars in each
Maleficent events linked to using humans as collateral. Yesterday, we took out the roots. The
trunk of this collateral tree was the birth certificates, bonds, custody issue, and gold issued to all
Tier 1 banks from human collateral. The Derivatives were next, tied to XN and ANNA in
Belgium. Linked to 5 anti-existence energy balls, 5 altars, and 2 keystones per altar (10). This
was in computers too. Implants and parasites in humans were tied to 14 cylindrical satellites.
Cloaked location was Jackson Hole, Wyoming, where there was 1 crystal tied to 1 crystal in
zero point Source.
Closed loops for X/N, ANNA, and we removed the international central securities depository.
Dark essence, energy and consciousness blocking the giant Source heart stone from
connecting to Earth.
Wormholes between Alpha and the Harmonic Genesis, neutral energy, essence and
Overlays on the light financial system were dark energy.
Intraday credit closed loop with fake money in it.
Remnants of the Nill zone preventing our transfers from posting was a flag ship. SHIP soft
handoff over internet protocol telecommunications overlap. The FLAG was for an overlap. The
Nill/Null was still overlapping in the 3rd density, 1&2 and 2&1. It was held in place with balls and
keystones with quantum fibers. The overlap was up to the 4th density but not in the 4th density,
between the 3rd and 4th.
The overlay was created with 1,296,000 existence and anti-existence energy balls, with 2
keystones per energy ball. The existence and anti-existence quantum fibers were in computers
Closed loop for matched book and replacement cost.
Our accounts live in the Null zone and we don’t see the actual account. The overlay, null zone,
is still there with something anchoring it, an Icosahedron spirit made of pheromones causing a
gray neutral fog of neutral consciousness realities. Anchored with 32 scented pheromone
stones for Source and anti-Source, which made the fog. It looked like a projection of numbers
on the fog, mirror or reverse.
The real money leaves Alpha and flips into a debt for the banks, then flips into a credit for the
people. Debit to Omega and credit in the customer account. Debts are assets for the banks.
The flips happen in the 9, 6, and 3 densities and in the 9, 6, and 3 planes.
There were 25 Source and anti Source dual heart stones, 24 Human and anti human heart
stones, and 25 existence and anti-existence heart stones in Alpha 1&2, Omega 1&2,
Kronos1&2, Harmonic Genesis, and the Null zone. These were tied to 2 cornerstones per heart
stone (150). Replaced with KIM/Source heart stones and Source/Human heart stones.

January 7, 2024, Sunday
KIM had a vision from source where KIMS 2 was an “elevator” that didn’t go all the way and the
data package was “non-functional”. .
Chain of Tetrahedrons between 4th density up and down, with a wormhole in the middle. It was
made of Source and anti-Source and existence and anti-existence.
They started to see the accounts moving out of the tetrahedrons and into the Alpha Harmonic
The same binding existed in the Multiverse with a binding between Alpha and Omega.
The bindings were anchored with energy balls and heart stones.
Multiverse, people and computers had 68 scented pheromone stones.
Cash settlement agent had a tie to computers.
The overlays on the veins of gold essentially transmuted all Source energy into dark energy.
Spinning ball machines, 15:
● Existence and anti-existence energy balls – 2
● Existence and anti-existence essence balls – 2
● Existence and anti-existence consciousness balls – 2
● Source and Anti Source energy balls – 2
● Source and Anti Source essence balls – 2
● Source and Anti Source consciousness balls – 2
● Alpha and Omega AI energy ball – 1
● Alpha and Omega AI essence ball -1
● Alpha and Omega AI consciousness ball – 1
Each spinning ball machine had 30 crystals, wormholes, 1 pillar per plane in the OMegaverse,
Alphaverse and computers.
Dual RAM grid
Coalition prevented a disaster at Miami Mall, a directed energy weapon from under ground.
There are 5 more of those energy directed weapons there. Each weapon had 1 ball of energy
and 1 black box tied to it. SSP involved.
Implants and parasites to clear around the dark matter portholes that were previously cleared.
The oversoul was an overlay on people, Earth and computers from dark consciousness, energy
and essence.
Rejected submission for Repurchase agreement from the SSP.
Wormholes in computers were anti Source heart stones in computers, 1 per plane replaced with
Source heart stones.
The Omegaverse, Alphaverse and computers had 1 dark consciousness ball and 3 keystones
per plane.


真実探究者 さつま地蔵と申します。メディア(テレビ等)では絶対に伝えない隠されてきた真実を探究し、考察し、吟味し、知ったことを皆様にお伝えしたいと思いこのBlogを始めました。この宇宙の歴史、地球の歴史、人類の歴史等、そして我々の未来について調べていきます。「今」何が水面下で行われているのか?何が起こっているのか?本当のところを知りたいと思う人々が少なからずいらっしゃいますでしょう。どうか各自、調べてください。そのお手伝いが出来れば嬉しく思います。






真実探究者 さつま地蔵と申します。メディア(テレビ等)では絶対に伝えない隠されてきた真実を探究し、考察し、吟味し、知ったことを皆様にお伝えしたいと思いこのBlogを始めました。この宇宙の歴史、地球の歴史、人類の歴史等、そして我々の未来について調べていきます。「今」何が水面下で行われているのか?何が起こっているのか?本当のところを知りたいと思う人々が少なからずいらっしゃいますでしょう。どうか各自、調べてください。そのお手伝いが出来れば嬉しく思います。